Monday, July 5, 2010

Spring into summer here in Nara

The past couple months have been BUSY. I don't even have much time to update now, so here's a couple things.

1. A few weeks ago the Nara JETs put on an International Arts Festival that featured country based booths (representing most of the countries we have ALTs from, plus a few others), face painting, the 'World Cup experience,' and performances of taiko, acrobatics, an animation storytelling drawn and performed by JETs, a poi performance, capoeira, and a play called 'Dracula's New Teeth.' There was also JET art on display, like painting, drawing, and woodblock carving and printing. It was as awesome event and really showcased the talented group of people we work with here in Nara. I hosted a booth about Mexico with Travis, a CIR here in Nara, and I was in the Dracula play. Here is a link to the local news coverage of the event:

2. I have been busy most weekends this spring playing touch rugby and ultimate frisbee. We had the touch rugby tournament at the end of May and it was awesome! We placed second in the middle of three tiers, the best the Nara team has done so far. Just this weekend we played in an Ultimate tournament with two teams, and one finished 13th of 24 and the other finished 21st of 24. Its an improvement from last year I've been told, so that is great. We had a blast playing and meeting all the other players even though it rained all weekend. The first day we played in a giant indoor dome on small fields because it was pouring and they could get access to the dome. The second day we played outdoors in the mist/rain all day and I think it was much better. Anyway, here is a link to a video of us playing the team that won the tournament last year on the first day indoors when I scored one of the three points that game (thanks to good timing and a nice pass :). [Edit: Since some people asked, I played for both teams, Yoshino Goons and Shika Fun, which meant I played in 13 games over the weekend!! Which is why I was so exhausted Sunday night and so sore on Monday. So worth it though :)]

I also took the GRE last weekend and am happy to be done and get a break from studying. I'm happy with my scores too, so now I can get on to the next steps of applying for grad school for next year.

Now, I'm just finishing up my classes for this term, saying goodbye to teachers and students for the summer, saying goodbye to the JETs that didn't recontract and are leaving soon, and getting ready to go home for my visit. Its going to be interesting to go home after being away a full year for the first time, and I'm really excited to see all my family and friends, not to mention eating some foods I've missed and enjoying my first PTO ;)

I hope sometime in August I get the chance to upload more pictures, as the next school term won't start until September.

Take care, I hope all is well with everyone reading this!!!

Love and peace,

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