Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Farewell to Thailand!

Hello hello,
I'm about to catch a taxi to the airport! In about 5 hours, I'll be on a plane heading for...Taiwan! And then on another plane heading for...Hong Kong! And then finally I will board a plane heading for California! Last night I started to come down with some sort of head cold, which is not feeling very great right now. It is making me even less excited about traveling for 20 hours to get home. Hopefully I can just sleep on the plane!

I would upload some pictures from my last days here, but this computer is unbelievably slow, like usual. I hope you all are well, and I will be seeing most of you very soon!

To any Thai or Japanese :) friends who read this, thank you so much everything!!!!!!!! I will miss you so much and I hope to see you again soon! You are all welcome in my home in Chico, or wherever life takes me.

Much love,

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